Getting started with Positive Health - free downloads*

IPH stimulates working with Positive Health and advises professionals and interested parties to get started with the tools and methods that have been developed. To provide this, iPH offers files of the spider web of Positive Health in downloadable files. You can use the iPH tools in your own communication, when you refer to Positive Health. Please find the downloads in English, German, French, Icelandic, Spanish and Japanese. They are created by iPH in collaboration with Positive Health international.

*Our materials are copyrighted and may only be used with acknowledgement of the source. It is not allowed to edit the spider web of Positive Health to your own liking or to copy the digital questionnaire to your own digital format.

My Positive Health - dialogue tool

By downloading this PDF file, you agree with our conditions:

Our materials are copyrighted and may only be used with acknowledgment of the source. It is not allowed to edit the spider web of Positive Health according to your own preference or to copy the digital questionnaire to your own digital format.

Meine Positive Gesundheit - dialogue tool

By downloading this PDF file, you agree with our conditions:

Our materials are copyrighted and may only be used with acknowledgment of the source. It is not allowed to edit the spider web of Positive Health according to your own preference or to copy the digital questionnaire to your own digital format.

Ma Santé Positive - dialogue tool

By downloading this PDF file, you agree with our conditions:

Our materials are copyrighted and may only be used with acknowledgment of the source. It is not allowed to edit the spider web of Positive Health according to your own preference or to copy the digital questionnaire to your own digital format.

Mín Eigin Jákvæð Heilsa - dialogue tool

By downloading this PDF file, you agree with our conditions:

Our materials are copyrighted and may only be used with acknowledgment of the source. It is not allowed to edit the spider web of Positive Health according to your own preference or to copy the digital questionnaire to your own digital format.

Mi Salud Positiva - dialogue tool

By downloading this PDF file, you agree with our conditions:

Our materials are copyrighted and may only be used with acknowledgment of the source. It is not allowed to edit the spider web of Positive Health according to your own preference or to copy the digital questionnaire to your own digital format.

My Positive Health (JAPANESE) - dialogue tool

By downloading this PDF file, you agree with our conditions:

Our materials are copyrighted and may only be used with acknowledgment of the source. It is not allowed to edit the spider web of Positive Health according to your own preference or to copy the digital questionnaire to your own digital format.

The Dutch versions

Several versions of the spider web have been developed in the Netherlands (eg children’s, youth, adults and simple version) to apply Positive Health for various target groups.


There has been increasing interest in Positive Health outside the Netherlands, therefore Positive Health international (PHi) has been grounded to enable the movement worldwide.

PHi offers local and online training and implementation support for professionals, organisations and communities to apply Positive Health in daily practice in a variety of countries.