Opportunities for solving societal issues
Positive Health offers opportunities for solving issues in society. For example, how do we maintain good quality health care? What could we do to prevent health care costs from rising? And how to keep neighbourhoods and work places healthy?
What may Positive Health deliver?
Positive Health has been embraced by many, in recent years. What have been the reasons for applying this broad concept of health?
- More focus on health and well-being
- Managing health care costs
- Better cooperation and consultation
- Greater work enjoyment
- Involving citizens in decesion-making

Achievements of general practitioners in Afferden
They achieved 25% fewer hospital referrals. The number of perscriptions went down. The patients experienced a better level of care. Work enjoyment by general practitioners and surgery staff increased. And municipal health care costs were reduced by half a million euros.

More about Why to deploy it?